Waiting (SATB) (from To Know the Path)
This is the fifth movement “V. Sext” from the larger work To Know the Path. This compelling movement from To Know the Path weaves a politician’s disdain with migrant testimony into a portrait of the mundane tragedy of waiting for asylum.
Also available for SSAA, SA soli, flute, and 2 percussion
Text: Athena Kildegaard
Co-Commissioned by: Amherst College Chorale Society, Arianne Abela, director; Border CrosSing and the Unity Singers, Ahmed Anzaldúa, director; and Central Presbyterian Church Choir, Jennifer Anderson, director.
Publisher: Published by Border CroSsing and distributed by Graphite Marketplace.
I fled my country,
the violent, the hungry, the wounded
I fled my people
these aren’t people
these aren’t people
I left my father’s murdered body
and the gangs that show their knives
these aren’t people
these aren’t people
We tied ourselves to one another
with one red ribbon,
my children, my sister, my mother
these aren’t people
these aren’t people
Now we wait for asylum
flashlights wake us in the night
we drink bad water
brought by animals
these are animals
My son plays games
of agent and coyote
we aren’t animals
All night we curl
into one another
like animals seeking warmth
and refuge
we are people
we are animals
we are people
we are people
– Athena Kildegaard
This is excerpted from the larger work, To Know the Path. Noon and the air is heavy and stifling hot. Note that the chime and rattle/shaker may be played by choir members if only one percussionist is available. At m. 29 change to sticks through m. 46 (either gathered or rhythm sticks—a high, dry sound), then back to rattle/shaker for ending.
Premiered by Border CrosSing.
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