New Release: To Know the Path

Border CrosSing has published my cantata “To Know the Path,” and it is now available for purchase on Graphite! Weaving ancient texts with new poems by Athena Kildegaard, “To Know the Path” is a cantata in 8 movements following the canonical prayer hours of the day. The journey follows the path of the sun throughout the day from dark to light and back to dark, away from home and towards home.

Thank you to my co-commissioners Amherst College Chorale Society, Arianne Abela, director; Border CrosSing and the Unity Singers, Ahmed Anzaldúa, director; and Central Presbyterian Church Choir, Jennifer Anderson, director.

“To Know the Path” is structured on the canonical hours of the day that stem from ancient Jewish prayer traditions. Early Christians continued the practice and monasteries formally structured them into eight separate hours. Each movement follows the path of the sun throughout the day, starting before dawn when it is still dark (Matins), and progressing to after it has set and is dark again (Compline).

Musically, I have been influenced by ancient chants from many different sources including Georgian Orthodox, Gregorian chant, Greek Orthodox, and Kabbalist Jewish prayers. I see these all as a call for communal prayer and devotion, a way to connect with each other.

Silence is a key part of this work and is built into each movement to create some meditative space for the musicians and listeners. This cantata uses prayer as a metaphor for opening our eyes (awareness) to knowing the path, and our willingness to get on the path with each other (compassion).

Like Medieval religious followers, we must imagine ourselves into the shoes of the migrants and refugees around the world. These words are my prayer for understanding and welcome and for the dignity we all deserve.

– Athena Kildegaard

“Linda’s music is both profound and immediately accessible. I am inspired by her search for deeper meaning and relevance in everything she does.”

— Ahmed Fernando Anzaldúa